Scott's Cheap Flights Alternatives | Flight Deals and Pricing Errors

Scott's Cheap Flights is one of the most popular flight deal and pricing error email newsletters - but it's not the only option. Here are some alternatives.

Scott's Cheap Flights Alternatives | Flight Deals and Pricing Errors

Scott's Cheap Flights is one of the most popular flight deal or pricing error email services. It has a free and a premium version and it claims that the premium version which costs $49 a year, saves you an average of $550 for a round trip flight. How true that is varies from person to person, but regardless, it's not the only one out there. Here's a list of some alternatives.

What are some alternatives to Scott's Cheap Flights?

  1. Next Vacay - It costs $25 a year in comparison to Scott's $49, but it doesn't have a free version - they work in a similar manner.
  2. TripFate - Freemium like Scott's but covers the whole world rather than predominantly US and Canada users.
  3. Jacks Flight Club - Free for 2 cheap flights a week, but if you want 8 a week and 'weekend getaway' deals , its 29 pounds (~$40) a year. So something between Next Vacay and Scott's.
  4. I Know The Pilot - Mostly for US, Australia, and New Zealand customers, is completely free but makes their money from ads and affiliates.
  5. Secret Flying - Not an email but the homepage has the deals of the day for free, and they have a dedicated error fares page.

There are a lot of copy-cat flight deal email services out there. Each one of them are more or less the same and charge a premium for doing the research for you. However, if you really don't want to pay for these (I never do). Try doing your own research and setting up price alerts for free, on apps like Google Flights and Skyscanner instead.

Safe flights!